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FederalPressBall dedicated to Ukraine

This year’s Federal Press Ball was a declaration of solidarity with Ukraine. The Federal Press Ball has been held annually by the Federal Press Conference since 1951 and is considered the most important social event in Berlin. Traditionally, the Federal Press Conference advocates freedom of the press and the factual, fact-based, and fair communication of political information. A look at Russia shows the inestimable value of freedom of the press.

This year’s fundraising event at the Federal Press Ball is for the benefit of the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF). Together with the Ukrainian partner organization, RSF founded the Center for Freedom of the Press in Lviv. Here Ukrainian journalists can work, use the Internet, and stream live. With the #CollateralFreedom project, RSF is reopening Russian news sites that have been blocked by Russia.

Anna Kosach, a board member of the UKRAINIAN FUTURE Hilfe-Verein e.V., was the guest of honor of Tino Krause, European head of META, at the federal press ball. META is a cooperation partner of UKRAINIAN FUTURE Hilfe-Verein e.V.

The Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, “Ohmatdyt,” is the last hope for many.

Today’s strike on this hospital in Kyiv has become another tragic event in the war. Children who need constant care and medical treatment have been left on the streets. Russia has taken away their last hope for recovery, leaving them to spend their final days outside.

But this attack should not cause us to despair. On the contrary, it is a reminder and a turning point we must overcome to become stronger.

We are organizing an emergency fundraiser to support the Ohmatdyt Fund (the hospital that was shelled).

All funds will be officially transferred through the Ministry of Health, with whom we are partnered.

Ukrainian Future means Ukrainian children. We are fighting for every Ukrainian child – abducted and forcibly deported, deprived of parents, health, education, childhood.

Help us protect our Ukrainian future. Every cent counts.